curriculum vitae
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Education: 5
Experience: 0 years
Relocation: Yes - Internationally
Career Objective
Professional Experience
Work experience:
September 2005: training with la Societé de Ceramique de Chebedda(SOCER) aimed to survey the extraction of clay.
Mars to June 2005: long training with La Societé Maghrebine des Dechets Solides(SOMAGED) collaborated with l’Agence Nationals de Protection de l’Environnement(ANPE) in order to achieve an end study project titled”mise en place d’une base de données géologiques, hydrogeologiques et géothechnique pour la decharge controlée de borj Chakir” by a computer software<
Aout 2004: Summer training with La Societé Tunisienne des lubrifiants (SOTULUB).Working in the laboratory of the company to analyse samples of water and oil.
July 2003: Summer training with Le Commissariat Regional de Developpement Agricole (CRDA) deals with surveying laps of water drilling.
Education and qualifications:
2002-2005 : Faculté des sciences de tunis.Obtained Diplôme nationale d’ingénieur (speciality : géosciences) July 2005.
2000-2002 : Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d’Ingénieur de Monastir. Obtained passage on the national exam July 2002.
1999-2000: Lycée Secondaire 9 avril de Sidi Bouzid. Obtained passage on the Baccalaureat exam (secondary school Diploma) June 2000.Section: Sciences Experimentales, average 14.32/20.
Additional Information
Additional information:
Languages: Arabic: mother tongue.
French: fluently written, spoken and read
English: fluently written, spoken and read.
Computer skills: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint,
Arc view, Photoshop, Illustrator, Logiciels Multimedia.
Able to relocate in Tunisia or overseas.
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