mechanical maintenance supervisor/foreman/technician
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Education: 3
Experience: 10 years
Relocation: Yes - Internationally
Career Objective
To establish man to man relationship in professional environment in order to gain tangible and intangible benefits for the organization and to prove myself as an asset for the organization.
Professional Experience
« To make work permit before overhauling of any Rotating, machinery equipment.
« To read, check and set the precision & non-precision tools like steel rule, caliper, micrometer, and vernier caliper, dial test indicator, feeling gauge, etc.
« Ability of assembling & dis-assembling of coupling key, pinion, gear box, friction and anti friction bearing with proper tolerance, fits, clearance and adjustment wherever necessary.
« I am well versed with Safety rules and regulation as per the specification and direction of Superior and company.
« Having sound Knowledge of repair of Mechanical equipments such as Turbine, Compressor, Pumps, Gear box, Fin fan, Agitator, coupling, etc.
« To achieve works in the field of maintenance by working in an aggressive team oriented environment by all safety required to complete the job with the help of skilled workers.
« To do the job under the responsibility till the completion with following the job procedure and safety rules by the standards.
« Co-ordinate with other section in sorting out Equipment problems & maintenance activities.
« Perform Alignment for rotating equipments using Graph alignment, lager alignment & Reverse Indicator Method as Applicable.
« Having sound knowledge on Safety factor with in Hazardous location & intrinsically safe equipment.
« Able to read and interpret drawing of simple components parts & also having a free hand sketch of simple component.
« Able to various types of lubrication and lubricating system and their specification application pertaining to work.
« To attend Breakdown maintenance, Trouble shooting, Emergency repairs and overhauling of rotating equipments as per the instruction of senior engineer.
« Overhauling of Turbine, compressor & Pump are done under the guidance of our experts senior or specialist of rotating equipments.
Course School/University Year
Tree Years Diploma In Mechanical H.M.S.Polytechnic Karnataka 1997
Additional Information
Beside our job following function is also carried out.
« Plant safety policy and procedure compliances i.e. safety training work practice.
« Execute all jobs as per company‘¦s rules.
« Follow all safety precaution during the working hours.
« Follow all safety rules and regulation for traffic inside the company / plant.
« To maintain the Q C concept implementation.
« The compressor- separator & the piping system should be inspected at regular interval and drained so that there is no accumulation of oil in the system.
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