certified nace coating inspector/engineer level2
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Education: 4
Experience: 12 years
Relocation: Yes - Internationally
Career Objective
A job in the field of Protective Coating Application that requires experience & knowledge in: Engineering, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Specifications, Standards, Coating Oil, Gas and Marine Structures, Offshore & Onshore
Professional Experience
1997 till Sep. 2005
Coating & painting engineer for supervision and inspection for blasting and painting department PETROJET Company CONSRTUCTION
Egypt since 1997 till Sep. 2005 for the following projects:
Since Oct.2005 till march2006
Project : Coating of 16" and 8 SAQQARA Project
Since july2003 till june2005
Project : Temsah, Barboni, Baltim, Temsah-NW-2 platforms
Since May.2002 till june2003
Project : Nouras A , B Monopods and Nouras Plem.
since Jan.2002 till Dec. 2002
Project : Stolt plets, stolt plem - I & II
Since Sep.2002 till DECEMBER 2002
Project : Platform C and Platform A Modifications
- SINCE NOV.2001 TILL JUN. 2002
Project : West akhen platform
Since Aug.2000 till Oct.2001
Project : Temsah North west Platform.
Since Oct.1999 Till Sep.2000
Project : Port fouad south wast 1,2 and PFSW-2 protection cague
Since Apr.1999 till Feb.2000
Project : HAPY Platform.
Since Jan.1999 till jun.2000
Project : Rossetta - 1 and Rossetta Tie-In
Since dec.1998 till jan. 2000
Project : Pool v karrous monopod and port fouad south east-1.
Since AUG.1998 till FEB.1999
Project : Jacket October flare.
Since Jan.1999 till june 1999
Project : Marine Units Maintenance
Since SEP.1997 till AUG.1998
Project : ABU-KIR phase(3)plant
Oct. 2005 till march2006
Coating inspector (Gupco Co.) for complete coating of 16" and 8" pipe line with 3LPP and Concrete coating Port Said Coating Plant Egypt
March2006 till june2006
Senior coating inspector khrsaniah project(KPF) in ARABIA SAUDIA repersenting CCC company for ARAMCO project
July2006 till August2006
Painting supervisor in offshore job located in NIGERIA with TRANSOCEAN CO. (RIG NAME: TRIDENT4)
August2006 till AUGUST2007
Senior painting and coating inspector for KHARAFI NATIONAL CO. in KUWAIT AS:
1- Senior coating inspector for internal lining for ductile pipes for Egaila pumping station
2- Senior coating inspector for aromatic complex project for KNPC
FEB 2008 UP TO JULY2009
Painting QC engineer in ccc qattar GTL RASLAFAN PROJECT
1995 B.Sc Chemical Engineering (5 years degree) Alexandria University Egypt
Training Courses & Professional Recognition
2003 BGAS/CSWIP LEVEL3 NO:539102
FEB2007 NACE CIP session I KUWAIT NO:14477
NOV2007 NACE CIP session II EGYPT NO:14477
1995 B.Sc Chemical Engineering (5 years degree) Alexandria University Egypt
Training Courses & Professional Recognition
2003 BGAS/CSWIP LEVEL3 NO:539102
FEB2007 NACE CIP session I KUWAIT NO:14477
NOV2007 NACE CIP session II EGYPT NO:14477
Additional Information
1. The Quality Control tasks, that includes:
Witnessing and carrying out the checks accompanied with pre-application, application e.g. surface preparation, climatic conditions, materials preparation, after application checks, marking areas of defects and assurance of repair compliance, validity of equipment and materials storing conditions,
and reporting activities through daily / weekly technical reports.
2. Preparing Recording the daily work schedule and the weekly work plan, that includes man power, equipment, materials, and working hours, liaison affiliated parties e.g. subcontractors, suppliers, construction etc.
3. Study of clients specifications and developing the technical procedure according to the standards and requirements specified, attending the pre-job conference and the periodical meetings along with the project, technical submittals to/from concerned parties.
4. Carrying out evaluation tests for the coating systems proposed by suppliers for a new project, that includes review of products data sheets, carrying out actual site application of products, evaluating quality and performance of coating systems through site and laboratory tests as per standards specified, assessment of a supplier compatibility for registering to clients vendor list.
5. Carrying out tests of final acceptance.
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