consultant drilling supervisor,offshore
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Education: 4
Experience: 20 years
Relocation: No
Career Objective
consultant drilling supervisor, offshore
Professional Experience
March 2009 - April 2009 Anadarko.
Drilling superisor on 2 shallow commitment wells Block 4 project completed on time.
July 2007 March 2009 Rasgas/ExxonMobil Qatar
Consultant drilling supervisor. Drilling deviated gas wells, with total losses and partial losses in high H2S environment, and "big bore completion".
October 2006 July 2007 ExxonMobil Eq. Guinea
night drilling supervisor ExxonMobil. Drilling and completing extended reach production wells.
October 2004 - October 2006 Rasgas/ExxonMobil Qatar
Consultant night drilling supervisor.
September 2001 October 2004 ExxonMobil Eq. Guinea
Consultant night drilling supervisor in Equatorial Guinea West Africa, ExxonMobil. Drilling and completing extended reach production wells.
NOVEMBER 1996 February 2000 Mobil Eq. Guinea
Consultant Night Drilling Supervisor. Semi- submersibles Equatorial Guinea, W-Africa, Deep Water. Straight and horizontal wells in water from 450 to 2,400.
OIM- OMEGA (semi submersible) Angola drilling exploration wells.
January 1995 - February 1996 SEDCO FOREX
OIM Drill Star, (Semi Submersible).Working in North Sea drilling HPHT wells.
September 1994 - January 1995 SEDCO FOREX
OIM Trident 14, (Jack Up).Drilling horizontal wells in Morcambe Bay, high H2S concentrated wells.
August 1993-September 1994 SEDCO FOREX
Relief Rig Manager in Aberdeen Sedco 706. District Manager Holland for Trident 14 (Jack-Up).
August 1986 - April 1993 SEDCO FOREX
Rig Superintendent/OIM Trident 10 (Jack Up).
Combined drilling and production.Relief Manager for Trident 10 in Esbjerg.
October 1982 - August 1986 SEDCO
Rig Superintendent/OIM Sedco 704 (Semi Submersible)
Working in North Sea. Drilling exploration wells.Working Ireland,Norway, drilling exploration well in 1700 ft water.
June 1981 October 1982 SEDCO
Tool pusher Norway.(platform). Working in Ekofisk field, combined drilling and production.
January 1979 - June 1981 SEDCO
Driller semi-submersible, offshore Angola drilling exploration wells.
January 1974 - January 1979 ODECO/CANAM
Trainee driller Semi submersibles, Jack-up and Drill ship
March 1973 - January 1974 SHELL
trainee land rigs.Completed Shell training school.(Round one).
formal; 6 years high school, tertiary; 4 years high technical school w/degree in electronics
iwcf well control f/floaters and jack up's supervisor level.
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