drilling with basement on ogun osun river basin under ministry of water resources nigeria also drilling experience and project supervision
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Education: 1
Experience: 8 years
Relocation: No
Career Objective
ability to drill in basement and sedimentary system of drilling
Professional Experience
Fatgbems Petroleum Depot drilling of industrial bore-hole at Kirikiri Lagos State
Bovas petroleum Depot drilling of industrial bore-hole Lagos State in separating of Natural water from the Salt water
senior secondary school
first school leaving
Certificate of Technical Training (Water Source & Services)
Certificate of Technical Training (SOAB Water Engineering Co.)
Senior Secondary School Certificate (WAEC)
First School Leaving Certificate
Additional Information
Basement drilling under Ogun osun river basin a project of motorized bore-hole drilling with solar Panel under 2011 - 2012 project in which i supervised four locations and drill in that four location
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