Engineer Operation ( Planning Engineer)
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Education: 5
Experience: 6 years
Relocation: Yes - Internationally
Career Objective
Operation Engineer Millennium Lubricant Refinery
Professional Experience
Total Experience is a 6 Years & 2.6 Years’ work as Asst. Plant Manager Millennium Lubricants
Refineries L.L.c (Dubai Rasal Kamiah)
Present Time I’m working as a Asst. Plant Manager Millennium Lubricants Refineries L.L.c (Dubai
Rasal Kamiah).
Assist the plant manager with the development of operative strategies
Scheduling and controlling of production processes and preparing production documents
Handling plant in shifts
Handling and properly utilizing the manpower of 30 operators
Trained 15 operators
One among the ten member monitoring committee appointed for conducting the maintenance
activities during plant’s annual turnaround
Increased the effectiveness of the equipment’s handled in the production plan
Eductation IIT BHI Varanasi
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