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Financials and Investment News in Egypt

Fouad Attends Climate Technology Forum on WGS's Sidelines in Dubai
2/13/2023 - Environment Minister, Ministerial Coordinator and COP27 Envoy Yasmine Fouad asserted the importance of providing technologies and necessary financing and building capabilities in order to honor pledge...
Finance Min.: Egypt Opts for Reform Path to Ensure Stability
2/13/2023 - Finance Minister Mohamed Maait said that Egypt has chosen the economic reform path to ensure the stability of macroeconomic indicators; GDP Deflator, Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index and Nat...
PM Inspects Development Works of Misr for Spinning, Weaving Company
2/13/2023 - Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli made a tour of Misr for Spinning and Weaving Company factories in El Mahalla El Kobra, Gharbiya, which is currently undergoing overall development.

The premi...
Planning Minister to Review Investment Opportunities During WGS in Dubai
2/13/2023 - Attending the World Government Summit (WGS) 2023 in Dubai, Egypt’s Planning Minister will review investment opportunities in her country, as well as efforts to empower the private sector.

US Dollar Price Stabilizes in Egypt on Tuesday
2/14/2023 - The price of the US dollar stabilized, November 14, in Egypt.

The price of the US dollar in Egyptian banks was as follows: United Bank LE30.5 for purchase LE30.6 for sale ALEXBANK LE...
US Dollar Price Stabilizes in Egypt on Tuesday
2/14/2023 - The price of the US dollar stabilized, November 14, in Egypt.

The price of the US dollar in Egyptian banks was as follows: United Bank LE30.5 for purchase LE30.6 for sale ALEXBANK LE...
US Dollar Price Stabilizes in Egypt on Tuesday
2/14/2023 - The price of the US dollar stabilized, November 14, in Egypt.

The price of the US dollar in Egyptian banks was as follows: United Bank LE30.5 for purchase LE30.6 for sale ALEXBANK LE...
Shaker Receives Executive Vice President of BP Company
2/14/2023 - Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker received Anja-Isabel Executive Vice President of the British Petroleum (BP) Company in Cairo, and her accompanying delegation.

PM: Gov't Works on Simplifying Procedures to Encourage Existing & New Industrial Investments
2/14/2023 - Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli said that the State takes tangible steps to remove hurdles hindering the industrial sector.

Madbouli added the government works on facilitating and simplify...
PM Underlines Strategic Importance of Arish Port
2/14/2023 - Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli stressed the great strategic importance of Arish Port.

The port enjoys a unique location on the Mediterranean Sea and forms part of the Suez Canal Economic ...
Egypt’s External Debt Inches Down to $155 Bln in 1Q FY2022/2023: CBE
2/15/2023 - Egypt’s external debt receded in the first quarter (1Q) of FY2022/2023 (July-September 2022) to $154.9 billion, down from $155.7 billion at the end of FY2021/2022, reported the Central Bank of Egypt (...
Egypt, Italy Discuss Enhancing Maritime Transport Cooperation
2/15/2023 - Transport Minister Kamel el Wazir met with Michele Quaroni, the Italian Ambassador in Cairo, to discuss maritime transport cooperation.

Attending the talks were the heads of the maritime tr...
Shaker, Greek Min. Review Power Linkage Project
2/15/2023 - Electricity Minister Mohamed Shaker had talks with Greek Ambassador to Egypt Nikolaos Garilidis on means of enhancing bilateral cooperation in the electricity and renewable energy domains as well as t...
US Dollar Price Stabilizes in Egypt Thursday
2/16/2023 - The price of the US dollar in Egypt stabilized in banks, Thursday, as the green currency last rose by a value of three piasters, following the Central Bank of Egypt’s decisions to fix the interest rat...
EBRD Downgrades Forecasts for Egypt’s Growth By 1% in FY2022/23
2/16/2023 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has downgraded its forecasts for Egypt’s output growth in 2023 to 4.3 percent, down from five percent it projected in May, before bouncing b...
PM Mulls $500 Mln Worth of New Investments With Turkish Business Delegation
2/16/2023 - Despite their political differences of the past, Egypt and Turkey are bound by historical relations, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli said.

"Therefore, we have been keen on maintaining our r...
GAFI Hosts Egyptian-Uzbek Business Forum
2/19/2023 - The General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) hosted the Egyptian-Uzbek business forum under the co-chairmanship of GAFI's CEO Hossam Heiba and Uzbek Minister of Investment and Foreign Tr...
Senate Gives Final Approval to Bill on Adjusting Status of Unlicensed Industrial Establishments
2/19/2023 - The Senate under its secretary Counselor Bahaa Eldin Abou Shoka gave the final approval Sunday to a bill on adjusting the status of unlicensed industrial establishments.

Earlier on October ...
PM Follows Up Progress of Implementing Gov't's IPO Programme
2/19/2023 - The government continues to review global companies and institutions' reactions concerning listing 32 Egyptian state companies on the EGX or selling them for strategic investors, Cabinet Spokesman Nad...
Egypt, Germany Mull Boosting ICT Cooperation
2/19/2023 - A delegation of the Communications and Information Technology Ministry has concluded a visit to Germany.

The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) - Egypt organized the tour to ...

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