Reference | BID11189 |
Date | 4/24/2010 |
Location | Asia |
Scope | Ref. No.: 3372 -33/6-TS/89 Issue Date: 24-Apr-2010 Bid Closing Date: 12-Jun-2010 Tender Guarantee: Euro 8174 for foreign and Iranian Rails 111.570.000.for Iranian Tenderers) & Good Performance Guarantee (for winner contractor) according to the NIDC's requirements as mentioned in the Tender Documents. Location: NIDC's Contracts Department - Ahwaz, Iran Fax: 0098 611 4443795 Email: Scope of Work: National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) intends to lease purchase of one brand new Nitrogen pumping trailer mounted and three brand new nitrogen transport trailer units and award the proposed contract to a well known and qualified contractor through a competitive & public tender. On this occasion and for the purpose of receiving the electronic tender documents files, the interested local and foreign companies (legal entity), up to 12 May 2010, may obtain set of bidding documents, which is containing the proposed contract terms and conditions by sending their formal application along with its company's name, activities and E-mail. - The anticipated contract duration will be (24) months. - Tenders shall be required to provide written attestation proving that its company has specific policy statement at senior and operational levels, proportionate to the subject contract, reflecting management commitment to Health, Safety and Environment protection. - Tenders should be submitted in three separate sealed envelopes marked "A" , " B " and "C" , envelope " A " should contain tender guarantee, envelope "B" should contain commercial proposal of tender and envelope "C" containing technical proposal of tender. It is worthy to add that opening and consideration of the tender's commercial proposal will be subject to NIDC approval for tender's technical proposal. - National Iranian Drilling Company shall reserve the right to accept or reject any or all of the tender(s) received, in whole or in part at its sole discretion and without any explanation. - Furthermore applicants are invited can visit this tender announcement in the web site of NIDC with the following addresses: |