Egypt Zones accountACCOUNT
Handling and Cleaning Services in Albaida Field
Cleaning Equipment, Services
Reference BID7524
Date 3/29/2009
Location Africa
Scope Ref. No.: MTC 08/2009
Issue Date: 29/03/2009
Bid Closing Date: 26 April 2009

Scope of Work:
Tenders announced to provide the services for handling and cleaning stations, main and sub-field and the well-heads white For all the national companies specializing in this area and wishing to apply for participation in the tender to attend the company's headquarters in the city of Benghazi Balkic for the withdrawal of the tender documents in time office hours starting on Sunday, 29/03/2009 P So on Thursday, 02/04/2009 P according to the following conditions:

1- Withdraw the tender specifications brochure from the Office of the Tenders Committee the main number (450) at the company's main Benghazi - Quiche, compared to $ (100. L) one hundred Libyan Dinar discarding non-validated instrument to pay the company the benefit of the Gulf Arab oil from one of banks operating in Libya.
2- Those wishing to participate in the bid to bring the benefits advanced specialization and expertise, backed by the previous documents in the subject area, legal status, according to the financial legislation of the particular and upon receipt of tender documents.
3- Kmstenden presentation must be submitted separately, the financial (out of + three pictures) and the introduction of art (the + three pictures), and to be presented to each unit in a closed envelope sealed with red wax, so no reference is made to supply financial and technical matters to the substantive offer financial and stamp the seal of the bidder, indicating the name of the project and tender number and name of co-written on the envelope and clear, as should be the validity of the offers at least three months from the date of closure.
4. Presentations made during office hours to the Commission the main headquarters of the company's bidding in Benghazi in closed envelopes sealed with red wax at the latest by Sunday, 26/04/2009 P.
5. Will not accept any offer, however, satisfied the conditions set forth above and the lowest prices will not be the sole criterion for the establishment of the presentation, and the company the right to cancel the tender without giving reasons.
Cleaning Equipment, Services
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