Reference | SDI1899P17 |
Date | 7/27/2016 |
Location | Asia |
Scope | The company invites bids for the following items:- * Item 001 Qty= 1438 Nos, Microsoft Office Standard SNGL MVL latest version: 1) Product to be implemented with KMS for license validation. Necessary Hardwares will be provided by OIL. 2) 1-day training (online/offline) for 3 users to be provided with the product. * Item 002 Qty= 2 Nos, Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Standard Edition: Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Standard Edition A. Special Terms & Conditions: 1. The bidder has to supply E-License in the name of "the company. Duliajan, Assam" for all the items. 2. Bidder has to provide at least two copies of each of the softwares in CD/DVD media for installation purpose. B. Confidentiality Agreement: OIL Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be applicable and bidder has to submit Non-Disclosure Agreement as per given format duly signed & Sealed by the authorized signatory of the bidder C. General Terms & Conditions: 1. The Bidder has to be OEM/Joint Venture of OEM/Subsidiary of OEM/Authorized Dealer of OEM. Joint Venture companies, subsidiaries and authorized dealers must submit Authorisation certificate (in original) from OEM. |
Bid Bond | Rs 581,000.00 |
Bond Validity | 210 days |
Offer Validity | 120 days |
Documents Price | Rs 1,000.00 |