Reference | 5/2020 |
Date | 6/21/2020 |
Location | Middle East |
Scope | The company announces its need for Supply of Nickl – Cadmium Batteries. 1-Nickel_cadmium_alkaline batteries with top vents ,the cells must bed's charged, emptied and ready . 2-Nickel-cadmium batteries plastic cells must be Resistance to mechanical abuse and ant broken and wide operating temperature range capacity (250)A/h total number (800) cell. 3-The required materials for batteries: Pure potassium Hydroxide with the necessary additives of lithium Hydroxide in solid from sufficient for the first filling of all required cells. 4-Instruction and discharge curves, document's in English or Arabic and test certificate should be submitted. 5-Guarantee period should be (12)A.D month. At least as of batteries fitted, or (18) A.D month as of delivery report date. 6-The bidder should offer a sample of the batteries mentioned above with the required materials of this sample during the technical study and befor the technical evaluation (potassium Hydroxide and lithium Hydroxide). 7-The bidder should submit metallic connection between the cells with reserve 20%. 8- The bidder should submit action and maintenance tools with the cells(density Quantity fore measure Quantity fore voltmeter good quality Quantity. 9-The batteries should be newly manufactured. Manufacturing date must not Exceed six months at the date of delivery to the refinery. |
Bid Bond | SYP 12,500,000.00 |
Offer Validity | 90 days |
Documents Price | SYP 1,500.00 |